Use ChatGPT to write better pitches!
Our new PitchAssist software is your AI muse
No credit card required
How it works
Enter your pitch and subject line
Start by entering your initial pitch and subject line into the PitchAssist interface. This could be a rough idea, a fully formed draft, or anything in between. Don't worry about perfecting it just yet – PitchAssist is here to help with that!
Choose the type of response you want
Next, choose what kind of assistance you want from PitchAssist. Whether you want some clever subject lines or a more consice email message.
Sit back and wait (about 5 seconds)
After you've input your pitch and chosen the type of assistance you need, it's time to let PitchAssist do its magic. In just 5-10 seconds, our powerful AI will analyze your pitch and generate suggestions tailored to your specific needs.
Review the ideas from ChatGPT
Once PitchAssist has done its job, review the suggestions – they're all designed to help you create the most effective pitch possible.
Select what you like and update your pitch
Finally, pick out the ideas and suggestions you like most from ChatGPT's output. You can then integrate these into your pitch, refining and improving it based on AI-generated insights. The result? A polished, persuasive pitch that's sure to grab attention.
Elevate Your Pitch Game
No credit card required